Maintain Your Car to Save Money

Dirty Air Filter ReplacementTo make certain that your vehicle lasts as long as possible and saves you money on repairs in the long run, it’s always in your best interest to maintain your car with due diligence. The best way to start is to make sure you read your vehicle’s owners manual and establish a consistent maintenance schedule. You can also follow this handy guide to protect your automotive investment and save more money!

Check Vehicle Fluid Levels

One of the easiest ways to understand if your vehicle is operating at its best is to examine your vehicle’s fluid levels. You can do this yourself, since most cars provide easy access to all of their essential fluid reserves. The main fluids to check are your transmission fluid, brake fluid, antifreeze, power steering fluid, and oil levels. If any of these fluids are on the low end, make sure to replace them accordingly or have your trusted mechanic to it for you. This will help prevent costly repairs in the future.

Replace the Air Filter

If you notice a slight drop in your gas mileage, chances are that your air filter needs changing. Most experts recommend having your air filter changed every three months and even more often if you frequently drive in places with high levels of dust or air-born debris. Changing an air filter requires virtually no tools and is inexpensive. A clean air filter will save you money on gas over the long haul!

Keep Your Tires Inflated Properly

Another method of helping your fuel budget is to check the air pressure in your tires. Overinflated tires can cause uneven tread patterns and result in your tires wearing out faster than they should. On the other hand, underinflated tires can reduce your fuel economy and increase your risk of maneuverability issues. In the event that a tire does blow out, make sure you have an inflated spare in the trunk to save money on towing or repair bills.

Maintain Good Driving Habits

Believe it or not, the way you drive your vehicles does have a monetary effect. Hard, fast braking will wear out your brake pads, calipers, and rotors quicker. Speeding and idling frequently lowers your gas mileage, as well. Instead, consider using cruise control on a regular basis to ensure that you travel at a more consistent speed to improve your efficiency rating.

By applying these helpful hints to maintain your car, you’ll be saving money in no time!