Maintenance Tips for Optimum Fuel Efficiency

Gas Pump NozzleDo you find yourself spending more time and money at the pump than you think you should? Then let us help you with your fuel budget. The experts at Indy Car Financing have developed this simple guide of maintenance tips that will optimize your vehicle’s fuel economy ratings.

Keep Your Tires inflated Correctly

Most drivers on the road today are operating their vehicles with underinflated tires and even more so during winter weather. This creates more rolling resistance where the rubber meets the road. Low air pressure in your tires can also lead to premature tread wear, which impacts the lifespan of your tires. Decrease rolling resistance, save on gas, and new tire expenses by properly inflating your tires.

Regularly Change Your Air Filter

Your air filter helps keeps contaminants out of your engine block and provides a clean intake. A dirty air filter can decrease airflow, which results in your engine having to work harder to maintain optimum performance.

Replace Spark Plugs Before They’re Worn

To decrease the risk of misfires and incomplete combustion, both of which waste fuel, have your spark plugs replaced ahead of schedule. Changing your spark plugs more than once during the life of your car will create more savings on fuel costs over the lifetime of your car.

Correct Tire Alignment is Key

If your tires are out of alignment be even by a fraction of an inch, it can result in a noticeable loss of efficiency. To remedy this, use a tread depth gauge to measure your tire tread. If one side of the tire is more worn than the other, have your tires aligned properly maximize your fuel economy.

Time to Repair That Broken Air Dam

Air dams, often located below the front bumper of your vehicle, are designed to redirect the airflow away from the undercarriage of your car by forcing air to go over the hood. The more air drag your vehicle is able to eliminate, the greater your fuel efficiency. If your car has a broken or missing air dam, repairing or replacing it will put more money in your pocket and less into your fuel budget.

Following these maintenance tips will help you save more money on fuel costs. Whether you’re a frequent commuter or an adventurous Sunday driver, everyone appreciate better gas mileage.